Center for IT-based Education

Tip#1. Configure a quiz assignment properly in Google Classroom



When creating a Quiz Assignment in Google Classroom, you will get an Assignment with an automatically created Blank Quiz (via Google Form) within it. It is very important to properly configure the “Settings” of this Quiz in order to collect responses from students, which can be identified and graded.

Enroll in 「教師向け」Google Classroomで教える (class code: 2mh534e) to read details of this tip.

One Quiz for one assignment. When creating a quiz assignment, please only edit the system-created quiz, without attaching any other additional files to the assignment. This will enable the feature of “Grade import”, which can allow the Quiz Assignment to later automatically import grades from the Quiz and display them in the Quiz Assignment.

(With only one Quiz in the Quiz Assignment)

(With additional attachment in the Quiz Assignment)

Setting the form to collect emails. In the “Settings” of Google Form, as the teacher you should ensure that the form will collect student emails. Or else, you will end up with a lot of responses without knowing which student submitted which response. It is always a good idea to add a question or two in the form to ask students to manually input their email address and/or name.

You need to mark the right answer in a multiple-choice question. For each multiple-choice question, you have to select which choice is the right answer.

Students do not need to manually mark their assignment submission. Upon submitting a response in the Quiz, students’  status in the Quiz Assignment will be automatically updated as they have submitted the assignment.


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